M25 Junction 9-10 Closure: 10-13 May

Due to planned works, the M25 will be shut between Junctions 9 (Leatherhead) and 10 (Wisley) from 9pm on Friday 10 May, until 6am on Monday 13 May. A diversion will be in place, however, journeys are expected to take much longer than usual.


Passengers planning to use this part of the M25 should allow for extra time when travelling to Heathrow during this period. For more information, please visit National Highways’ website.

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Cargo contacts

We do not offer a cargo sales service and we are unable to track shipments.  If you have a query relating to a shipment, please contact your airline or their respective Heathrow cargo handler.

Airline or cargo company

Cargo handler

FedEx -
Finnair Swissport

Airline or cargo company

Cargo handler

Gulf Air -

Airline or cargo company

Cargo handler

Hainan Airlines Menzies

Airline or cargo company

Cargo handler

IAG Cargo -
Iberia IAG Cargo
Icelandair Swissport

Iran Air dnata
ITA Airways -

Airline or cargo company

Cargo handler

JAL Swissport

Jan de Rijk -

Airline or cargo company

Cargo handler

Kenya Airways -


Korean Air Swissport

Kuehne and Nagel -
Kuwait Airways ASC Cargo

Airline or cargo company

Cargo handler

Loganair Menzies
LOT Menzies
Lufthansa Menzies

Airline or cargo company

Cargo handler

Malaysian Airlines Swissport

MEA Menzies
Menzies -

Airline or cargo company

Cargo handler

Oman Air dnata

Airline or cargo company

Cargo handler

Philippine Airlines dnata

Airline or cargo company

Cargo Handler

Qantas dnata
Qatar Airways dnata

Airline or cargo company

Cargo handler

United Airlines Swissport

Uzbekistan Airways ASC Cargo

Airline or cargo company

Cargo handler

Vietnam Airlines ASC Cargo

Virgin Atlantic dnata
Vistara Menzies

Airline or cargo company

Cargo handler

Wallenborn -